Monday, October 26, 2009

5. Crime

This week we will be looking at Crime - always a popular topic. There are many new ways to commit crimes, and to detect and prevent crime, as well.

Thanks for your feedback from last week's I think assignment.

Study notes

The study notes are intended to be a "summary" with key ideas in question format. The study questions include the important ideas for the chapter. Try reading the notes before you read the chapter in the textbook.

Unfortunately, the "best" way to address the needs of all students is by providing detailed instructions. This way, the information is there whenever you need it. It is consistent, even if it is long. Learning to learn in an online environment is hard.


Copyright law is complex and really difficult to enforce. This is a good introduction, but any more depth is beyond the scope of this course.

There seems to be some confusion about "open" software (which may be free but that is not the same thing). There are very specific types of copyright for open, sharable, reuseable work.

There were a lot of specific questions. There are many resources that address these concerns. For example, if you want to know about the legal issues associated with uploading concert video to YouTube, consult the YouTube web site. There is a lot of information there if you are interested.

Pictures may be copyright as well. There are lots of sites that offer pictures that you are permitted to copy.

It is important that everyone understand how copyright infringement has long-term wide-spread consequences.

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