Monday, October 19, 2009

catching up

You need to do all the activities described in the Assignment each week. The specific requirements for posting in each topic are stated in the instructions. These will vary - there is no set rule. However the instructions are very specific.

Remember, as there are no class meetings, the course work is set up to cover the same work that you would get in 4 hours of lectures plus textbook reading, assignments, discussions and preparations quizzes each week. Yes that is a lot of work.

However, the assignments are listed and can be completed in any order to provide the flexibility distance learning students need. The instructions are specific and should contain most, if not all the information to complete each activity.

If you have any questions, please ask. Asking in the Questions forum is good - then everyone in the class finds out what the answer is. If you would prefer to send a message or an email to me with your questions, please do.

Learning to learn online is not easy. However, distance learning does provide flexibility and some other options that are not available in an on-campus class.

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