Saturday, March 6, 2010

Use the wiki

You need to be using the wiki for planning and developing. Two teams have made a start, but by now you should have your project outlines and timelines in the wiki page.

It is important to use the wiki for a couple of reasons.

  • You need to practice writing and editing in the wiki - don't leave this until the end. The wiki is a tool and it takes a bit of getting used to. New this semester - the rich text editor. It was just installed in WikiEducator and it is a big help.

  • Get used to working together on the same document - this is collaborative writing. Once you get some experience, the project really improves dramatically - that is why we are doing this.

  • Staying organized using the wiki is much easier - no lost documents, no confusion over the current status of the work. It is all right there to see and work on.
The teams that start using the wiki early are the ones that produce the best results. There are so many things you can add to the wiki page once you gain some experience. That is when it gets really interesting. Small changes in formatting, adding images, including links to resources are small additions that greatly improve the project page.

There are wiki tutorials and help pages available - see project information for links.

If you have specific questions, please ask.

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